Sunday, August 10, 2014

From Farm to Table

We love late summer when picking season gets good.  Blueberries are always a hit and last a lot longer than the others.  Strawberries we come home with crates.  Peaches, apples - bags!  They are big and quick to pick.  But blueberries are slow going.  With lots of tasting.  We started off at a farm about a half hour away but when pulling up we saw alpacas running around and no field of blueberries.  Not that I, or the kids, complained about this.  She showed us around her was technically a house with land, not a farm, but fun.  She took us on a path and showed us all the huckleberry bushes and blueberries but they were on a rocky hill and not kid friendly nor plentiful for this blueberry eating family.  She was nice though and the land pretty..  :-)

We ended up at the big farm not far from our house, with 6 pounds of blueberries.  All which will be eaten within three days.  What's left will become jam.

One of my favorite fast dessert recipes that we all love....blueberry crisp.
Simple ingredients, and quick.
and utterly delicious
Great day and good eating.

Saturday, August 9, 2014


Hello, I am Renee.  I can't wait to start posting.  It's been many years since I had a blog.  Three kids kept me busy but as they grow, I too get to start transitioning.  I need a hobby, an outlet, a distraction.  This is it.  I love photography, crafting, cooking, and any other sort of creative outlet.

I've always loved the term "wabi sabi".  It is a Japanese term that basically describes an aesthetic that has beauty in the imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete.  There is perfection in imperfection especially in such things as art, and well, my home.  Nothing describes me, and my house, better.   It's often messy, it's often loud, and it's definitely imperfect.  To prove this, Friday's will be "wabi sabi friday's" where i will share a picture from the week of this beautiful imperfectness and hope you will join me!

Here we go!